
Spring Horse Camp

 Send your horse-crazy kid to our Spring Horse Camp, here at our beautiful farm in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Spring Horse Camp

Spring Horse Camp: Steckenpferd (RA10) Curriculum

Welcome to our Horse Camp, meticulously crafted to align with the prestigious German RA10 (Steckenpferd) curriculum.

This camp is designed for young riders as laid out in the renowned German training framework.

Camp Overview: Our program meticulously adheres to the RA10 standards, ensuring a comprehensive and structured approach to horse riding and care. The camp is perfect for beginners and those looking to solidify their foundational skills in horsemanship.

Key Features of the Program: Introduction to Horse Care and Management: Campers learn the essentials of horse care, including feeding, grooming, and stable management, following the high standards of the RA10 curriculum. 

Basic Riding Skills: Our program focuses on developing the fundamental riding skills necessary for a solid equestrian foundation, with an emphasis on balance, control, and understanding horse movement. Safety and
Groundwork: Emphasizing safety in all interactions with horses, campers are taught proper groundwork techniques to build confidence and respect between horse and rider.

Theory Classes: An integral part of the RA10 curriculum, our theory classes cover horse anatomy, behavior, and basic breeds, providing a well-rounded equestrian education.

Tack and Equipment Use: Understanding and correctly using various types of tack and equipment, in line with RA10 standards.

Guided Riding Sessions: Supervised riding sessions that focus on posture, aids, and basic riding maneuvers, laying the groundwork for more advanced techniques.

Recreational Activities: In addition to the rigorous training schedule, campers will enjoy various fun activities,  team-building games, and leisure time at a nearby lake, ensuring a balanced and enjoyable experience.

Cultural Immersion: Our program also includes elements of German equestrian culture, providing an unique and immersive experience. 

This camp is an exceptional opportunity for young riders to start their equestrian journey with a solid foundation, guided by the principles and standards of the German RA10 curriculum.

It's more than just a riding camp; it’s a comprehensive equestrian education and an unforgettable adventure!

With Steckenpferd Certification after completion of the Course!

April 1 - 5, 2024

Spring Horse Camp


April 1 - 5, 2024

Steckenpferd (RA10) Curriculum 

Welcome to our Equestrian Camp, meticulously crafted to align with the prestigious German RA10 (Steckenpferd) curriculum. 

This camp is designed for young riders as laid out in the renowned German training framework. 

Camp Overview: Our program meticulously adheres to the RA10 standards, ensuring a comprehensive and structured approach to horse riding and care. 

The camp is perfect for beginners and those looking to solidify their foundational skills in horsemanship. 

Key Features of the Program: 

Introduction to Horse Care and Management: Campers learn the essentials of horse care, including feeding, grooming, and stable management, following the high standards of the RA10 curriculum. 

Basic Riding Skills: Our program focuses on developing the fundamental riding skills necessary for a solid equestrian foundation, with an emphasis on balance, control, and understanding horse movement. 

Safety and Groundwork: Emphasizing safety in all interactions with horses, campers are taught proper groundwork techniques to build confidence and respect between horse and rider. 

Theory Classes: An integral part of the RA10 curriculum, our theory classes cover horse anatomy, behavior, and basic veterinary care, providing a well-rounded equestrian education.

Tack and Equipment Use: Understanding and correctly using various types of tack and equipment, in line with RA10 standards. 

Guided Riding Sessions: Supervised riding sessions that focus on posture, aids, and basic riding maneuvers, laying the groundwork for more advanced techniques.

Recreational Activities: In addition to the rigorous training schedule, campers will enjoy various fun activities, including nature walks, team-building games, and leisure time at a nearby lake, ensuring a balanced and enjoyable experience.

Cultural Immersion: Our program also includes elements of German equestrian culture, providing a unique and immersive experience.

This camp is an exceptional opportunity for young riders to start their equestrian journey with a solid foundation, guided by the principles and standards of the German RA10 curriculum.

It's more than just a riding camp; it’s a comprehensive equestrian education and an unforgettable adventure! 

Receive a Steckenpferd Certification after completion of the camp!

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